Total Medals Earned: 452 (From
95 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 8,375 Points
You used the Spore Gun tres times!
You killed 3 guards with your bare hands! Cool!
You killed 3 guards with the Sniper Rifle!
You blew up 3 guards! Awesome sauce!
You killed off 5 guards! With Style!
You killed 3 guards with an AK assault rifle!
You beat the second Creative Kill Chamber! That's G!
You were killed 10 times by the CKC Corporation. Bummer.
Kill the boatman
Scare away the ram
Complete all divisions in the colosseum
Defeat the sailor in Oh, Ship!
Get kicked out of the city
Help all of the G-units
Fly to mount Olympus
Complete Hades' game
Complete the poem and get fatty's clothes
Don't kill the boatman
Knock out the farm boy
Make Cuboy say "I am upside down" in Fly High Mountain Guy
Complete the game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Quickly move down the mountain.
Flirt with death.
Unlock the goat costume. Baaa
Play the game many times in one session.
Jump on lava 15 times in a single game.
Unlock the Fireman outfit.
Reach a score of 1500
Unlock the Lederhosen outfit.
Unlock the Rockman outfit.
Defeat the Footie Twins
Defeat Battbot
Defeat Ootkey
Defeat TRN-1
Get Secret Ending
Defeat Raijinmaru
Defeat creator of Dadgame
Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard
Beat Story Mode on Hard
Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard
Defeat Final Weapon
Defeat Mecha-Death
Defeat Phantom
Beat Boss Battles on HARD
Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD
100% Completion
View the COMBOS page.
Master the Fire Flip.
Visit the links page.
View the intro movie.
Get your chainsaw on!
Drink the mystery potion.
Find all 6 secret areas.
Light Zit Boy's Cigarette.
Fix the rodent problem in the Boiler Room.
Defeat the class president.
Shut down the UberBot.
Beat the game.
Beat the game without dying.
Light up 10 enemies with the FireBreath attack.
Use a soldier airdrop.
Complete the tutorial levels.
Get 100 headshots.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Achieve 10 victories.
Get 100 melee kills.
Get 1000 kills.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Purchase an attachment from the Class Editor
Purchase a weapon from the Class Editor
Win a game of Team Deathmatch
Win a game of Defender
Make a bet
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Purchase an Apache AH-64 from the Reinforcements Menu
Win a game of Capture the Flag
Purchase an M1 ABRAMS from the Reinforcements Menu
Complete wave 5 in Basic Survival
Complete wave 5 in Undead Survival
Capture the enemy flag in Capture the Flag
Return your flag in Capture the Flag
Complete wave 10 in Undead Survival
Complete a wave with only headshots
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
It's so sad...
Is this a nightmare?
It is over!!!
Find the Secret Room
Really? That's even possible?
Who's going to need a diamond anyway?
Money won't buy back the time you wasted.
Get all the candy.
You've gotten out and can go back to trick-or-treating!